Can middle age men suffer something comparable to female menopause? Some medical experts believe so. But the debate still continues as to what exactly constitutes the definition of andropause – the male version of menopause. The term andropause is not recognized by several prominent medical associations. Many medical doctors say andropause is actually late-onset hypogonadism,…
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How dangerous is lifting for your lower back? Low back pain accounts for the majority of work-related visits to the medical doctor. In fact, up to 31 million Americans experience lower back pain at any given time.1 Statistics Canada reports the lower back as one of the most common areas injured at work, second only…
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Menstrual Cycle – Chiropractic Can Help Every month, the female body goes through a series of changes that serve to prepare it for possible pregnancy. For all women, hormone levels go through a series of peaks and valleys in a 28-day cycle (on average). It is precisely coordinated with only one end result in mind:…
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Valentine’s Day is around the corner and just about every store is packed with displays of hearts. But before you dig into those boxes of chocolates, use this month as the starting point for a renewed commitment to a heart healthy lifestyle. To help you on your way, read this post devoted…
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Granger Chiropractor Indiana - January is just around the corner and many people have begun to plan their New Year’s resolutions. Have you? Maybe you have decided that it is time to lose a few extra pounds? Maybe you have decided to take your health more seriously? Or maybe you want to get into shape…
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They can put a man on the moon, but they can’t find a cure for the common cold. Granger Chiropractor Indiana - A cold is a viral infection that affects the upper respiratory tract. Because it is a virus, a cold does not respond to antibiotics, which only treat bacterial infections. The reason it is…
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Granger Chiropractor Indiana - As 2011 approaches, people are finding it tough to be optimistic. With ongoing economic uncertainty, worry is a fact of daily life for many. Science reveals some people are more wired for worry than others. This can be a result of several factors, including genetics, environment and upbringing. From a biological…
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Granger Chiropractor Indiana - Chiropractors know that adjustments are good for your general health. Millions of satisfied patients cannot be wrong. But what do chiropractors know that the rest of us do not? They know the nervous system is the one system in the body that directly affects every other system. This is because nerves…
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