Category Archives: Wellness

10 Ways to Keep Your Brain in Shape

As the large baby boomer population moves into their golden years, we’re seeing more focus in the media on diseases like Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s, which primarily affect seniors. While neurological change happens to your brain throughout your life, it only takes a few positive steps to better your brain health. 1) Learn a Musical Instrument…

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Fibromyalgia – What Is It, and Can Chiropractic Help?

Fibromyalgia (FM) is a chronic disorder involving widespread pain and sensitivity in the entire musculoskeletal system. To be diagnosed with FM, a patient will typically possess a mini­mum of 11 out of 18 specific tender points on the body. In addition to pain, patients will also report long-term fatigue, and/or disturbed sleep and mood. Other…

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Can Chiropractic Improve Your Game?

Athletes place a high physical demand on their bodies. They ask the body to work like a finely tuned, well-oiled machine. The rigorous training and competition schedules leave little time for injuries. Perhaps this is why almost every professional team in sports has a chiropractor looking after its athletes. As an example, 95% of NFL…

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Why Belly Fat is the Most Dangerous Fat

Pot belly. Spare tire. The middle age spread. These are just a few of the endearing names bestowed to the extra layer of fat that accumulates around the abdomen. But aside from the amusing nicknames, this type of fat is a serious danger. Unlike fat that appears on other parts of your body, belly fat…

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Can Chocolate Be Good for Your Health?

Easter is just around the corner and merchants have stocked their shelves with plenty of chocolate Easter bunnies and eggs to keep chocoholics everywhere satisfied during this seasonal event. What you may not know are the potential health benefits chocolate can deliver. But before you drop a couple of extra chocolate bunnies into your shopping…

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Sleep, Insomnia and Chiropractic

If you are having trouble sleeping at night, you are not alone. More than one-quarter of the U.S. population report they occasionally do not get enough sleep, while nearly 10% admit to experiencing chronic insomnia.1 In Canada, of those with sleeping difficul­ties, approximately 18% get less than five hours of sleep per night.2 For some,…

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Balance, Body Awareness and Chiropractic

Have you ever wondered how you know where your fingers and toes are, even when you’re not looking at them? You may be surprised to learn your joints provide your brain with a great deal of information about the position of your body. This information is not only important for body awareness but also for…

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New Technology Creates New Illnesses

Have you ever heard of a Blackberry Thumb? What about Cell Phone Elbow? Acute Wii-itis? They are new health problems related to modern technology – and the tendency of humans to get carried away playing with their new toys. If you have not heard of these new terms, here is a brief definition of…

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Can Allergies Be Treated with Chiropractic?

Spring is in the air. Flowers are budding. Leaves are growing. And the days are getting longer. That’s terrific, right? Unfortunately for many of us, when we hear “Spring is in the air,” our minds focus on months of runny noses, itchy eyes and sneezing. We’re more likely to grab a handful of tissues than…

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Does Male Menopause Really Exist?

Can middle age men suffer something comparable to female menopause? Some medical experts believe so. But the debate still continues as to what exactly constitutes the definition of andropause – the male version of menopause. The term andropause is not recognized by several prominent medical associations. Many medical doctors say andropause is actually late-onset hypogonadism,…

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