Category Archives: EsTeck Scan

Inflammation…The Cause of Disease?

    Inflammation is the cause of most, if not all disease. But what is the cause of inflammation. Why not treat inflammation with anti-inflammatories? What Are The Symptoms Of Inflammation? Visible signs of aging (ex. wrinkles) susceptibility to infections (viral, bacterial, fungal) acid reflux cancer skin conditions (ex. psoriasis, acne) Arthritis Bronchitis Allergies Chronic…

Get A Scan, Improve Your Health!

Scan, What’s this? For the last 6 months we have been doing EsTeck Scans of our patients and the results have nothing short of phenominal. What is an EsTeck Scan? read on to find out. The EsTeck Scan is state-of-the-art technology that is bio-impedance based, similar to an EKG, EEG or EMG. These devices are…